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The Opulent Essence

Angel Number Necklaces

Angel Number Necklaces

Regular price $18.18 USD
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What are Angel numbers?

Angel numbers are a repeating sequence of numbers often perceived as divine guidance from angels and the universe.

Angel Number Meanings 

111 is an indication that the energy around you right now is ripe for taking healthy risks, shifting patterns, or moving projects or relationships forward.

222 can be a welcome confirmation from the angels that you’re headed in the right direction and should keep plugging along patiently. 222 is also a number of harmonious partnerships.

333 is encouraging you to go forward in faith, taking action steps toward your dreams and knowing that the universe and your spiritual guidance squad will have your back. The support and guidance you need will show up in divine timing.

444 is simply a reminder that angels are near and supporting you. This number is assurance that your angels are actually closer than ever now. Your connection with the angels and the angelic realm is powerful and that you can trust the guidance they are giving you.

555 A symbol of positive change and new beginnings, as well as a message of encouragement and support from your angels. It can serve as a reminder to trust in the journey and know that you are being guided and supported on your path.

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